WHEN: SUNDAY, JUNE 13 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: BROWN’S BEACH TENT, 511 Route 9P, Stillwater
REGISTER: E-MAIL cristina.connolly@slpid.org
Tracey Clothier, SLPID Lake Consultant.
Bio: Tracey has been with the Lake District for the past 20 years. Her work has been with the LGA, NY Federation of Lake Associations, and Lake George Park Commission. Tracey is 28 years as a senior planner in a local landscape architect firm. She oversees the permitting of special projects and the development of comprehensive plans, watershed management, local waterfront revitalization, open space, recreational needs analysis, environmental impact statements, economic impact analysis, zoning regulations, and grant applications. Tracey operates a certified Woman-Owned Business for five years with professional memberships in the American Institute of Certified Planners, American Planning Association, Capital District Planners Association. She serves on the Lake George Land Conservancy Executive Board.
Living in a lake community, residents have a responsibility to practice lake-friendly living. As a resident, you are also a caretaker of the lake. Tracey Clothier will introduce the new Shoreline Buffer book and SLPID “Take the Pledge” and share the vital information for all to protect our delicate ecosystem.
Dean Long, SLPID Lake Consultant
Bio: Dean holds a BA in Zoology from SUNY Oswego and an MS in Urban Environmental Planning from RPI. Dean’s diverse career focuses on water resources with past research of acid deposition and mobilization in cranberry lake, and ecosystem transport of PCB and Mirex in the Oswego River, Lake George water quality, legionaries disease, and biological induced corrosion. This was followed by his 27-year career at the LA group pc, managing environmental scientists to prepare permit applications to local State and Federal agencies for large-scale land development and large projects in the Adirondack Park. Dean was also an environmental analyst at the NYS Department of Public Service.
His work with the Lake District began in 1999 on the watershed plan, followed by the effort to permit herbicides to control Eurasian water-milfoil. Dean will present an overview of the lake’s dynamic, CSLAP reports, the importance of native aquatic weeds, loose weeds, and property owner responsibilities.
Blue Neils – Saratoga County Stormwater Management Coordinator
Bio- Blue holds an Applied Science in Forestry degree from New York State Ranger School and Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management and Environmental Policy from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Blue’s work experience of more than 25 years includes construction management, arboriculture, forestry, land-use management and planning, environmental policy, community/grassroots organizing, and legislative lobbying. Currently, Blue is the I-SWM Program Coordinator for Saratoga County overseeing State and Federal Stormwater Phase II regulations. He is the Eastern Coordinator of the NY Stormwater Regional Training Centers, Saratoga County Water Quality Coordinating Committee, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Water Management Advisory Committee. Blue is a Certified Professional of Erosion & Sediment Control and a Certified Profession of Municipal Stormwater Management.
Formerly a member of the Town of Hadley Planning Board, Saratoga PLAN Stewardship Committee, the Friends of the Kayadeross Board of Directors, NYS Stormwater Permits Work Group.
Blue will be presenting the Shoreline buffer book with a demonstration to simulate stormwater run-off and a macroinvertebrate demonstration.
Dustin Lewis – District Manager Saratoga County Soil and Water Conservation District
Bio: To come
There are many ways to curb stormwater run-off into water bodies. Shoreline buffers and rain gardens are a beautiful, inexpensive way and stop erosion to properties protecting precious water quality and property values.
Lauren Henderson – Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator – Capital Region PRISM
Bio: Lauren holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Sustainability from Paul Smith’s College. After receiving her degree, Lauren began her career with aquatic invasive species as a Watershed Steward with the Adirondack Watershed Institute. She worked her way up to Program Manager of the Watershed Stewardship Program. Lauren has worked with groups across the Adirondack Park to help educate the public and create awareness around the threats of aquatic invasive species. In Lauren’s current position, she coordinates the aquatics program for the Capital Region PRISM, focusing on the Watercraft Inspection Steward Program, early detection, rapid response, and education and outreach.
Aquatic invasive species can cause significant negative impacts to ecosystems, economies, and potentially human health when introduced into a waterbody. Learning to identify aquatic invasive species and the proper reporting and management techniques can help to stop the spread of AIS and help maintain the health of water bodies and local communities. By following a few simple steps, we can all do our part to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Join the Capital Region PRISM in learning about AIS in Saratoga Lake, how you can assist with their management, and how you can prevent new AIS from being introduced in Saratoga Lake.