Quick SLPID Summary Statistics

Total number of boaters surveyed: 17,627

Total number of watercraft: 8,295

Motorized watercraft: 6,850 (82.6% of total watercraft)

Non-motorized watercraft: 1,445 (17.4% of total watercraft)

Average watercraft per survey: 1.05

Percent of watercraft that contained one or more attached species: 16.3%

Complete Analysis by Question


Inspection Date.

Select Launch Name.

Previous contact with a boat launch steward?

Group size.

Total Watercraft.

Primary Activity.

Boat registration state/province abbreviation code.

Were spread prevention measures taken?

Select prevention measures taken.

Was the watercraft in water in the past 2 weeks?

Select state/province where watercraft was last in the water.

Select previous waterbody where watercraft was last in the water.

If not listed in question above, enter waterbody name.

Did watercraft user agree to an inspection?

Were any organisms detected?

Total species detected.

Where will the watercraft be launched next?

Type of decontamination performed.

Parts decontaminated.